Friday, December 2, 2011

Insects in My Garden

I purchased my used Tokina ATX 340 100-300 f4 zoom lens online and had it for 2 weeks now.  I read so much good reviews about this discontinued lens.  This lens full frame FX lens which means on my DX it is equivalent to 150-450mm f4 lens. It is heavy and built like a tank a far cry from my Nikkor AF 75-240 f4.5-5.6D plastics which came bundled with my old Nikon F60 camera. Optics wise, the following shots which is not photo-shopped or in anyway enhanced will bear witness.

Today I made another attempt at photographing that elusive black and blue spot butterfly and another one brownish-orange around my garden.  I have been standing still among the flower pots and plants for a minute or so with camera in hand, when I saw a pair of dragon fly flying about.  Took a few hand held shots and non-flash but I was disappointed with the results as the shadowed portion of the insect was too dark.  Except for these two shots

 With exposure compensation, I got the exposure underneath the body right but I lost the details on the over exposed leaf surface.  But nevertheless I like the shadow from the dragon fly.

 The shots were better after I used the tripod and fill in flash with a lambency diffuser.

Just before I decided I had enough shot, suddenly the butterfly I was waiting for came. The butterfly was a difficult subject because any sudden movement would cause it to fly away. This where the advantage of the long Tokina lens which I can take shots of the butterfly from 2 meters away.

The matt black wing against a bright sunlight was a difficult shot to make. I had to increase exposure to get the details on the wings which cause the greens to fade.

Well, one thing I am very sure now.. this is one lens which I intend to keep.

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